Short Film Documentary I 23min I Spain I Black&White, Colour I Digital 4K


This film is an excuse, a cure. The director returns to his parents’ house and asks them to play a game where they become movie stars. This acting game will serve as a pretext to talk about the cancer that both his mother and father overcame and the fear of loss.


Director/Script: Miguel López Beraza
Producer: Mireia Graell
Coproducers: Luis Campos, Mário Patrocinio, Alfredo Lobo, Fran Cóndor
Editor: Pedro Collantes (AMAE)
Cinematographer: Alberto González
Music Composer: Laura Casaponsa
Art Director: Adriana Fernandes 


Elvira Beraza
Jesús López

Production companies:
Ringo Media & BRO Cinema & Matiné & Makers Studio


Distribution company:

With the support of:  ICAA, ICA, Infinia, Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation

Project developed at: Professional Forum of the 22nd Short Film Week (Madrid) – Infinia Sound Postproduction Award


  • 2022 Warsaw Film Festival – Short Film Grand Jury Prize
  • 2023  Minikino Film Week – Bali International Short Film Festival – Best Documentary Short Film
  • 2023  FRONTDOC – International Documentary Festival – Youth Jury Award
  • 2023  Premios Pávez: National Short Film Festival of Talavera de la Reina –  Best Documentary


  • 2022 Vancouver International Film Festival
  • 2022 Seminici – Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid
  • 2022 L’Alternativa Barcelona
  • 2023 Catalan Film Festival – Scotland 
  • 2023 Indy Shorts presented by Heartland Film Festival
  • 2023 Raindance Film Festival 
  • 2023 KFF – Kaohsiung Film Festival 
  • 2023 Iberoamerican Contest of Short Films in Spanish-SGAE 
  • 2023 ICOFF-GASTEIZ International Short Film Festival of the Euskadi Capital 
  • 2023 LA GRAN PANTALLA, International Film Festival of Senior People
  • 2023 PLONS! International Short Documentary Film Festival 
  • 2023  Family Film Project – International Film Festivalof Arquivo, Memória e Etnografia
  • 2023  Short Film “Villamayor de Cine”
  • 2023  FIC Gáldar – International Film Festival of Gáldar
  • 2023 CLAM – International Festival of Social Film of Catalonia
  • 2024 International Festival MUSIC & CINEMA Marseille (MCM)